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Welcome to ProCredit bank


ProCredit banka centrala

Environmental approach

We are proud of our Environmental approach.

We apply high standards every day in terms of our impact on the environment.


As a part of ProCredit Group, we are led by ProCredit Holding from Frankfurt, as our sole shareholder.

Work with us
Work with us

Do you want to start or continue working at the bank? Learn how to work with us.

Contact us
Contact us

Do you want to cooperate with us, send us your offer, suggestion, commendation or just want to talk with someone from the bank? 

Our mission

ProCredit Bank is a development-oriented commercial bank. We offer excellent customer service to small and medium enterprises and to private individuals who have the capacity to save and who prefer to do their banking through electronic channels. In our operations, we adhere to a number of core principles: We value transparency in our communication with our customers, we do not promote consumer lending, we strive to minimise our ecological footprint, and we provide services which are based both on an understanding of each client’s situation and on sound financial analysis.

We focus on small and medium-sized enterprises, as we are convinced that these businesses create jobs and make a vital contribution to the economies in which they operate. By offering simple and accessible deposit facilities and online banking services and by investing in financial education, we aim to promote a culture of saving and financial responsibility among business clients as well as private individuals.

Our shareholders expect a sustainable return on investment over the long term, rather than being focused on short-term profit maximisation. We invest extensively in the training and development of our staff in order to create an open and efficient working atmosphere and to provide friendly and competent service for our clients.

Business ethics

Ethical and environmental considerations are fully integrated into our business model.

Treating colleagues and clients, as well as the societies and environments in which we work, with respect and a long-term perspective is central to our philosophy and our success.

Our corporate values form the foundation of our business ethics. 

Our corporate values

We provide transparent information to our clients, to the general public and to our employees.

For example, we ensure that clients fully understand the terms of the agreements they conclude with us, and we engage in financial education in order to raise public awareness of the dangers of intransparent financial offers

A culture of open communication

We communicate openly, fairly and constructively with each other. We deal with conflicts at work in a professional manner, working together to find solutions.

Social responsibility and tolerance

We offer our clients comprehensive, well-founded advice. Before offering loans to our clients, we assess their economic and financial situation, their business potential and their repayment capacity in order to provide them with appropriate financial services and to avoid over-indebting them.

In addition, we are committed to treating all customers and employees with fairness and respect, regardless of their race, ethnicity, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender, religion or belief.

We also ensure that requests for loans are evaluated in terms of the applicant’s compliance with our ethical business practices.

No loans are issued to enterprises or individuals if there is any reason to believe that they make use of unsafe, environmentally harmful or morally objectionable forms of labour, in particular child labour. Therefore, we have: 

Exclusion list

High professional standards

Our employees take personal responsibility for the quality of their work and always strive to grow as professionals.

Personal integrity and commitment

Absolute honesty is required of all employees in the ProCredit group at all times, and any breaches of this principle are swiftly and rigorously dealt with.

Together with our mission statement, these principles represent the backbone of our corporate culture and are actively applied in our day-to-day operations. They are reflected in the ProCredit Code of Conduct, which translates the group’s principles into practical guidelines for our staff.

Code of conduct
Organisational chart

Whistleblowing system

The development-oriented ProCredit Bank as a part of ProCredit Groupis committed to maintaining high ethical standards with regard to its business activities and their impact on the environment and the social environment.
Our aim is to promote unbiased communication within the ProCredit Bank based on a common “ethical compass” and to create a professional climate in which honest and credible communication is a matter of course.

We therefore offer an open working atmosphere, which enables our employees to communicate directly with team leaders, Human Resources, Internal Audit, the Compliance Officer or Management. In addition, ProCredit bank has whistleblowing systems that also allow for anonymous contact if grievances need to be addressed.

All employees and managers of the ProCredit Bank, as well as our customers, business partners and the general public, bear the responsibility for noticing and clearly addressing illegal, fraudulent or unethical behavior.
If, in connection with our business activities, you wish to disclose information about actions that have been committed with criminal intent, such as criminal violations of our Code of Conduct, internal policies or procedures, or violations of applicable law, you may contact us at the following address:

We process all indications of violations committed with criminal intent consistently and according to equal standards.