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kredit za poljoprivredni objekat

Loans for the purchase of agricultural facilities

Purchase, built or reconstruct the facilities for agricultural production.

Long-term indexed loans

With your own storage facilities you have the opportunity to increase your output volume and – by storing produce –  you have the advantage of being able to wait for the right market price.

We approve loans for all kind of facilities.


Additional funding possibilities

  • Loans for expanding livestock numbers
  • Loans for erecting greenhouses and hothouses
  • Loans for perennial fruits and vine plants
  • Loans for refinancing your liabilities towards other banks

Facility loans conditions

  • Attractive interest rates
  • Repayment terms of up to 15 months
  • Repayment schedule tailored to your agricultural production cycle, with monthly, quarterly or semi-annual instalments
  • Deferred repayment of up to one year
Need more information? Schedule a meeting with our Advisor

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