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kreditni limit

Credit limit

With a flexible credit limit,
you can quickly respond to the challenges of your business.

What is my 'credit limit'?

The credit limit is the maximum amount of short-term and long-term loans that you can count on over the following 12-month period. 

What is the benefit of having a credit limit?
  • Get specific credit products approved significantly faster
  • Significantly less documentation necessary to submit during loan implementation
  • Having a credit limit doesn't necessarily mean you have to use the approved amount
  • Not reported to the Credit Bureau
  • May be adjusted in accordance with your needs
How to use credit limit?
A practical example of the use of a credit limit

You have to make a payment, but do not have enough funds?

Use your credit limit, activate your authorised overdraft, and repay the funds from the next inflow.

You need to finance the purchase of goods and production inputs?

 In accordance with the approved credit limit, activate a loan for working capital and make payments on time and/or ensure a more favourable purchase price through advance payment.

kreditni limit primer

Do you need more information? Book a call with our Business Advisers

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Use of the Bank's website is possible without leaving personal information, In a case you want to get more detailed information, register or use the Bank's business services, in certain parts of the Bank's website, it is possible to voluntarily enter your own personal data.

The Bank collects, processes, stores and protects personal data for the purpose of preparing, concluding, and executing contracts, or acting on requests submitted through the contact form on the website in accordance with established principles and requirements of the applicable Law on Personal Data Protection, which is described in detail through the document “Notice on the processing of personal data of ProCredit Bank” which is available on the official website of the Bank and the business premises of the Bank.